21 de febrero de 2014

Escribe lo que sabes...

Me gusta escribir, y estoy tratando de perfeccionar este arte tan complejo y maravilloso.

Tras indagar sobre gran cantidad de temas relacionados al desarrollo de dicha habilidad, me topé con un articulo que me encantó, el cual toca el tema mas terrorífico de cualquier escritor: "¿Sobre qué debería escribir?". Si vas a una librería te das cuenta que prácticamente casi todo esta dicho y escrito. Libros de autoayuda, salud, historias que usan excesivamente la imagen de los vampiros ya rayando en lo afeminado... Da algo de miedo ver tal cosa ya que se llega a pensar que no hay mas que decir.

Así pareciera, pero este articulo realmente te da una perspectiva diferente. Lo comparto con uds, ya sea que desean escribir sobre algo algún día o simplemente porque no se han dado cuenta de lo afortunados que son y de las infinitas experiencias que han venido recolectando a lo largo de sus vidas, les recomiendo que lo lean.

You hear it all the time: “Write what you know.”
I happen to be one of those people who doesn’t feel comfortable writing about the unfamiliar. I prefer to write what’s real to me, things I know for sure.
This has been on my mind a lot lately. There’s always the sinking feeling that one doesn’t really know all that much–not in comparison to how much the world has to offer. Take a look through your bookstore or library, and you’ll see hundreds of books you could never have written.
Still, I think it’s counterproductive to dwell on all the things we can’t write about. Instead, try this: take 10 minutes and list things you really know. Be as random as you like.
Here’s are some things I know for sure:
  • I know the glow of a life growing inside of me.
  • I know what it’s like to have so much snow in one’s front yard, your house disappears.
  • I know that Lake Superior never looks the same twice.
  • I know what the sunburnt Australian grass feels like beneath my bare feet.
  • I know what it’s like to leave everything you’ve ever known behind, in search of a new life.
  • I know the powerful connection between my fingers and a piano keyboard.
  • I know how it feels to miss the senior prom.
  • I know what it’s like to have to sell one’s most prized possession.
  • I know the way watercolours bleed when you blot them with a wet brush.
  • I know Hamlet’s soliloquy by heart.
  • I know the smell of barbequed hot dogs and mustard in the summertime.
Once you get started, you might find, as I did, that you don’t want to stop. I could have gone on forever.
I know relationships, I know experiences. I know music and art.
What do you know?
I guarantee, you have more stories in you than you think.

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